Sunday, October 18, 2015

Richard Linklater

Richard Linklater

Host: Chris

Chris' Take

Freddy's Take 

I thoroughly enjoyed this day. Before having Linklater's films presented to me in a contained fashion, through our "Director Day" format, I had pretty much been a passive fan. I knew his work. I liked his work, but never really put together a narrative for seeing his career unfold. "Slackers" is a film that I have liked after the fact. I didn't "get it" when I first saw it and while I did enjoy it the second time, I got a better understanding of it only after discussing it with Chris and Tanner and finding out more on Linklaters world view, which is very similar to mine in a lot of ways. I consider "Dazed & Confused" to be my favorite movie by Linklater, but "Boyhood" is moving up! Since Chris' hosting this day and conjuring up my curiosity on Linklater, this director has moved into my consciousness as a film making favorite.


A Scanner Darkly

Dazed and Confused

This is a trailer for a documentary called "21 Years: Richard Linklater" and features friends and actors discussing the great directors career to this point. I highly recommend this. 

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